彼得·蒂尔(Peter Thiel)是 PayPal 的联合创始人,也是一位颇具影响力的企业家和投资者,他以对技术、社会和商业的深刻见解而闻名。蒂尔除了自著《从0到1》(Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future)借鉴他在PayPal 和Palantir 的经验,为科技初创公司提供想法和建议,还推荐了一些探讨哲学、技术和社会复杂性的书籍。
本文从《20 Life-Changing Books Recommended by Peter Thiel》、《Books Recommended By Peter Thiel》、《19 books recommended by Peter Thiel》、《33 Books Recommended by Peter Thiel》和《Books recommended by Peter Thiel》等汇总了一份彼得·蒂尔的推荐书单(尚无蒂尔推荐这些书的事实出处,一些来源可能夹带私货)。
- 100 Plus by Sonia Arrison
- 7 Powers: The Foundations of Business Strategy by Hamilton Helmer / 战略7力
- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy / 安娜·卡列尼娜
- Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand / 阿特拉斯耸耸肩
- Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin by Timothy Snyder
- Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty
- Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson / 编码宝典
- Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos
- Discourses on Livy by Niccolo Machiavelli / 论李维
- Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
- Influence by Robert B. Cialdini, PhD
- Life After Google by George Gilder
- Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant / 原创
- Paradise Lost by John Milton
- Psychopolitics: Conversations with Trevor Cribben Merrill by Jean-Michel Oughourlian
- Resurrection from the Underground: Feodor Dostoevsky by René Girard
- The American Challenge by Jean Jacques Servan-Schreiber
- The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb / 黑天鹅
- The Book of J by Harold Bloom
- The City and the Stars by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Decadent Society by Ross Douthat
- The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
- The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World by Edward Creasy
- The Founders by Jimmy Soni
- The Great Illusion by Norman Angell / 大幻觉
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz / 创业维艰
- The Holy Bible by Various / 圣经
- The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien / 魔戒
- The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
- The Messianic Character of American Education by Rousas John Rushdoony
- The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon
- The Reasonableness of Christianity by John Locke / 基督教的合理性
- The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe
- The Sovereign Individual by James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg
- Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World by Rene Girard